Gynae Surgery Module A→V: Vaginal Surgeries
This course is a compilation of all the abdominal and vaginal surgeries related with Gynaecology which will be helpful to all the students who are pursuing their postgraduation in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, DNB and MRCOG students and practicing gynaecologists.
There are 2 parts in the Module
Gynae Surgery Module- A: Abdominal Surgeries
Gynae surgery Module -V: Vaginal Surgeries
Key feature:
Building the anatomical concept of surgeries
Indications, preoperative preparation, instrument, postoperative care and complications in relation to various surgeries has been discussed
Video demonstration of procedures
Easy language with voice over on the videos
High quality videos
Feasibility to watch multiple times
Regular update on new procedures in the course
45 video lectures
The course starts with the anatomical concept of all the surgeries. In video lectures, first the concept of surgeries has been built with the help of line diagrams and images and then surgeries have been demonstrated with high quality videos and voice overs.
Consolidated lectures at one place with detailed explanation and video demonstration will be helpful to all the subscribers who can rewind, revise and visualize multiple times as per their convenience.
If the subscribers want to build up on obstetric surgeries, surgical instruments and endoscopic equipments and instruments, ergonomics and energy sources, they should be subscribing to course 2,6 and 9 also.
Following lectures have been included in the current module
Gynae Surgery Module- V: V1: Surgical Pelvic anatomy from Vaginal side-1: Pelvic muscles, fascia, ligaments, ATFP, Delancey level of support have been discussed in great detail
V2: Surgical Pelvic anatomy from Vaginal side-2 Pelvic muscles, fascia, ligaments, ATFP, Delancey level of support have been discussed in great detail
V3: Surgical Pelvic anatomy from Vaginal side-3: Pelvic muscles, fascia, ligaments, ATFP, Delancey level of support have been discussed in great detail
V4: POP Q classification -1: Various prolapse classification have been discussed with demonstration of POP Q
V5: POP Q classification -2: POP q has been demonstrated and various examples have been given to understand the concept
V6: Anterior Colporrhaphy: Concept of paravaginal defect and the repair has been given and demonstrated
V7: Mc Call Culdoplasty: Principle of vault suspension and technique has been demonstrated
V 8: Vaginal hysterectomy -1: Steps of vaginal hysterectomy have been explained with the help of images
V9: Vaginal hysterectomy -2: Video demonstration of vaginal hysterectomy with voice over
V10: Posterior Colpoperineorrhaphy: Concept of Posterior repair and video demonstration have been give here
V11: Manchester Repair-1: In this various operations for nulliparous prolapse and the history of manchester operation has been discussed
V12: Manchester Repair-2: Various steps, fothergill stitch and strumdof sutures have been explained in great detail
V13: Manchester Repair-3: video demonstration of surgery have been done wit voice over
V14: Sacrospinous fixation: Principle and technique of sacrospinous fixation has been demonstrated
V15: High uterosacral ligament fixation: Principle and technique of high uterosacral ligament suspension has been demonstrated
V16: Vault prolapse: complete surgery with sacrospinous fixation has been demonstrated
V17: Lefort Colpocleisis: complete surgery has been explained
V18: Vaginoplasty: various techniques of vaginoplasty along with demonstration have been discussed
V19: Urinary incontinence surgeries- 1: All the urinary continence surgeries have been elaborated with their history
V20: Urinary incontinence surgeries: 2: Principle and technique of midurethral sling surgery has been demonstrated
V21: Urinary incontinence surgeries: 3: Principle and technique of retropubic sling has been discussed
V22: Urinary incontinence surgeries: 4 Burch Colposuspension has been discussed here
V23: Complete perineal tear repair: Principle and technique of compete perineal tear repair has been demonstrated here
V 24: Vaginal Ligation: In this vaginal ligation procedure has been demonstrated
V 25: Bartholin Cyst Surgeries: in this clinical anatomy, marsupialization and enucleation have been discussed and shown
V26: surgeries for TVS and imperforate hymen: In this concept, technique and postoperative care for transverse vaginal septum and imperforate hymen has been discussed